Friday, June 28, 2013
So You've Graduated - Now What?
Take a look at this article from the official LinkedIn blog. This is helpful to all who just graduated this last May and to all who are curious about steps to take after graduation. LinkedIn is a great professional tool while starting out your career. Here are some tips on how to better utilize LinkedIn.
Finance Careers,
Job Search Tips,
Friday, May 17, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Don't Put It Off
Lately a lot of non-Freshman students have been
coming into drop ins with high school experience on their resume and
this is a problem. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are
not going to get a job if you only have high school experience. These
students look very desperate and scared when I tell them they need to
take their high school stuff off and I understand their anxiety but it's
my job to give them a reality check. So for any of you out there who
are freshman (or beyond) and haven't been doing anything on campus, START NOW. I
made the mistake of not doing anything on campus until spring semester
of my sophomore year and now I need to get a lot of experience started
in a short amount of time. Now, for those of you who are rising Juniors
or Seniors, you're going to need to work even harder. First, join some
on campus clubs and organizations! It's easy, they usually only meet
once a week and it never hurts to make more connections. Second, get
some off campus volunteer experience, preferably something related to
what you want to do in the future. Third, get an on or off campus job
ASAP. Fourth, internships. For internships you're going to need
experience and relevant coursework so by following the previous steps
you'll have the foundations of experience for an internship, which are
key to getting a job after graduation.
A lot of people tell me they don't have time to do these things because of schoolwork and to them I have to say that that is untrue. I know many students who work hard academically and still have a strong activities and experience section on their resume. Your social life may need to become a slightly smaller part of your life but it will be worth it in the long run. I don't want to make anyone panic but for most of you there is still time so get going!
A lot of people tell me they don't have time to do these things because of schoolwork and to them I have to say that that is untrue. I know many students who work hard academically and still have a strong activities and experience section on their resume. Your social life may need to become a slightly smaller part of your life but it will be worth it in the long run. I don't want to make anyone panic but for most of you there is still time so get going!

Friday, May 3, 2013
Advice from the Professional Todd Slattengren of Travelers
Todd Slattengren, CPCU | Account Executive | Travelers National Accounts spoke at got a job/internship lunch celebration on May 2 and left both the interns and new graduates with some great advice listed bellow. All great things to know for student that got internships or jobs.
USF – Got a Job/Internship Lunch
Celebration – May 2
Advice for Interns
*Congratulations – This is a long interview process
for both your employer and YOU.
*Be an enthusiastic member of the team. Make sure you are completing the
projects/tasks they specifically ask you to do on time and done right. Once you do that, I encourage you to raise
your hand to volunteer for additional
projects/assignments, teams, etc.
*learn the Internal culture – don’t assume, ask around
if you are not sure
*Take advantage of opportunities to meet people in other divisions,
units, departments, clients/peers.
Be prepared for the meetings and ask for business cards if available.
*Maintain list of contacts you made within the company during your
internship; be sure to thank all of them
at the end of the internship. At
minimum, ask your Supervisor/Manager for a letter
of Recommendation.
*Stay in contact with your Manager/Supervisor next year, even after the
internship. Your engagement will
help you stand apart from other interns or potential new hires.
*Establish a LinkedIn Profile, and be
careful what you post on Facebook!!
*Interviews – sign up for all
you apply for, learn about the company/role, ask questions during the
interview, Thank the person afterwards (email, hand-written note, do not call)
*use the USF Alumni network to build your personal Network to help in your
job search
*Keep an open mind – you may not land your “dream job” right away,
or your “dream job” might not exist right now.
Advice for Graduates/New Job
*Congratulations – this is an
exciting and nerve racking time in your life.
*Embrace change – it will be your only constant through the next
40-50 years
*Be attentive to the
requirements and expectations of your job.
Raise your hand to volunteer for
projects, assignments, committees but only if you can handle your current
responsibilities well.
*Seek out Feedback from your Manager/Supervisor
(Formal as well as Informal)
*Set up and Invest in a retirement plan – 401k, IRA, 403B, etc. If your employer offers a match, put in at
least as much as needed to earn the company match. You are giving away free money if you do not
do that.
*Adapt to the Company culture (work style in
office/mobile, dress code, participation, etc.)
*Continue Professional Development in your field, especially if your
company supports it
*Pros of Millennial Generation – Technologically advanced, adaptable
to flexible work schedule, highly conscious to social and environmental issues
*Cons of Millennial Generation – Impatient/overconfident, sense of
entitlement, cannot handle constructive criticism
*Seek out Mentors (within the Company/Organization) and outside as
well. They do not have to be in the same
industry, in fact there are a lot of benefits of having a mentor in a different
*use the USF Alumni network to build your personal Network – also, join and
be active and available for the students coming up behind you
*keep an open mind – opportunities may come up that requires you to
relocate to another state or internationally – could be short term or permanent
*Be engaged in your community – education, healthcare, Arts/Music,
Environmental causes
*Money is not everything and the key to all happiness – in time, you
will find the right mix for you regarding compensation, benefits, challenging
and engaging work, fit in company that matches your core values, work/life
*Establish a LinkedIn Profile, and be
careful what you post on Facebook!!
Monday, April 22, 2013
"Take the Advice of a Senior" - Now What?
Matthew Percival a USF senior graduating in May 2013 has written a great article in the Foghorn that everyone should read. He is giving advice to those freshman and sophomore from his experience. Please take his advice to heart and think about your future. MAKE USE OF YOUR FREE TIME & GET AN INTERNSHIP!!! PREPARE!!!
Read his article (link posted bellow):
And please stop by our office just to see how we can help you! I am sure we can help you in one way or another. Stop by for a quick 15 minute appointment during drop in hours Monday - Friday 11am to 2pm. Located UC 5floor. Or contact us at 415-422-6216 or
Have a great week! And think its "your future."
Job Search Tips,
Friday, April 19, 2013
Summer Internships!
This week I wanted to write about
something that's been on my mind and probably on many of your minds as
well. SUMMER. I'm excited for summer but it's also stressful trying to
figure out productive plans during that free time. So far, I've applied
to about 7 internships, I've been rejected from one and I have an
interview with another. I haven't heard back from a lot of the others,
even though I sent a follow up email. My point is, apply to a variety
because summer internships are competitive.
Here are the steps to finding an internship smoothly:
1. Come into our office and perfect your resume (please bring a hardcopy)!
Look for positions on DonsCareers, Internship Exchange (UCAN) and other
internship websites (resources can be found on our website). You can
also look up some of your favorite companies and see if they're hiring,
keep in mind you'll probably be at the bottom of the totem poll doing
classic intern duties like coffee and filing.
3. Schedule an appointment with one of our counselors to get help
on your cover letters. Keep in mind you'll need to print out the job
descriptions for all the positions you're applying for and bring them to
your appointment.
4. Update and contact your references about the positions
you're applying for; collect letters of recommendation if you need
5. Begin practicing your interview skills either on your own or through a mock interview with our office.
6. Buy professional clothes for interviews. Guidelines on our website.
After you've applied, you can send a follow up email 2 weeks later,
checking in and expressing your continued interest in the position.
8. If you get an interview, send a thank you letter soon after (examples can be found on our website).

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
2nd Annual Best SeniorLinkedIn Profile Contest!!!!
It's that time of year again!
The Career Services Center is proud to announce the
Contest Dates: April 1 - 28, 2013
1st Place Prize - Kindle & USF Leather Portfolio
2nd Place Prize - USF Gift Basket ($50 value)
3rd Place Prize - USF Leather Portfolio
Contest Rules:
* In order to be considered for the contest you must connect with Ellen Kelly Daley (Associate Director of USF's Career Services Center)
* When adding Ellen as a connection, add in the personal message that you are applying for the contest
* Last Day to add Ellen as a connection and to be considered for the Contest is Friday April 28th at 11:59pm
* Tip for success: A more complete LinkedIn profile has the best chances of winning!
For help with your LinkedIn profile, resume, or any other career related services, please visit the Career Services Center, UC 5th Floor,, 415-422-6216. Drop-In hours Monday - Friday, 11 am - 2 pm.
Also, be sure to "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
It's that time of year again!
The Career Services Center is proud to announce the
~ 2nd Annual Best SeniorLinkedIn Profile Contest ~
Contest Dates: April 1 - 28, 2013
1st Place Prize - Kindle & USF Leather Portfolio
2nd Place Prize - USF Gift Basket ($50 value)
3rd Place Prize - USF Leather Portfolio
Contest Rules:
* In order to be considered for the contest you must connect with Ellen Kelly Daley (Associate Director of USF's Career Services Center)
* When adding Ellen as a connection, add in the personal message that you are applying for the contest
* Last Day to add Ellen as a connection and to be considered for the Contest is Friday April 28th at 11:59pm
* Tip for success: A more complete LinkedIn profile has the best chances of winning!
For help with your LinkedIn profile, resume, or any other career related services, please visit the Career Services Center, UC 5th Floor,, 415-422-6216. Drop-In hours Monday - Friday, 11 am - 2 pm.
Also, be sure to "Like" us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
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