My name is Victoria! I am in training to be a Career Planning Peer (CPP)! Just a little bit about myself... I am a Psychology major, and I am minoring in Music and Biology. Basically, what that means is, I want to be a superhero, rock star, and a dentist. I’m rooting for all three! I came upon working for the Career Service Center by applying as a Psychology Practicum volunteer. I’ve had my fair share of experiences working with younger children and with adults, it had been a while since I worked with my own peers. I really like to help people feel like they have something less to worry about, and this job seems like just the ticket!
So far, I have shadowed drop-in hours in action and have learned just a couple of small details that can make all the difference in writing a resume. I am excited to have this new perspective on resume writing!
The number one thing that I have witnessed: Students have not heard of the Resource Guide on the CSC website. For those of you reading this, you can find a resource guide (click the link to the right-->) Career Services Site, under Quick Links. It’s a pretty great tool to use if you are writing up a resume or cover letter! Hey! It beats Googling “how to write a resume/cover letter” over and over only to find thousands of varied results. Check it out and enjoy!