Monday, May 9, 2011

What do you want to talk about every day?


The semester is coming to an end and summer is near. Did you truly enjoy your classes to the fullest this last year? Is your chosen major what YOU want? A simple way to find out is by asking yourself, "is this what I really want to talk about every day for the rest of my life?" If your answer is yes, you're on a great path to your future and kudos to you! If the answer is no, you are not alone!

It is hard enough to decide what you will do for the rest of your life before you even get a chance to explore and it's even harder to pick when you're only 18 years old fresh out of high school. An important thing to remember as well is that 'nothing is forever'. Even if you did declare a major on admission but you are realizing it is not what you expected for whatever reasons, it is ok to change. Don't be afraid of change and know that you have support every step of the way!

If you find yourself pondering the idea more and more, I suggest to give yourself some time to do some reflecting and soul searching. There are many resources out there that can help you in your journey of discerning your future and the Career Services Center is definitely one of them. Our career counselors would be more than happy to have a conversation with you and aide you in your process.

Be curious with your options!


Rosie is an outgoing Junior Psychology major who has worked in the office since her Freshman year. She wears multiple hats including president of her sorority Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. and Vice President of Internal Affairs for Greek Council. As a very involved student leader she is a great resource for all things USF

Nathan hails from the tropical state of Hawaii. When he is not in his business suit for his business classes, he is just "chilling" and bringing the Aloha Spirit to the office. He has worked for the Career Services Center for three years and has extensive experience with other internships including his most upcoming internship with Bank of Hawaii in summer 2012