We’re a month into summer, (not to mention a month into post-graduation territory), and I must say it is very quiet in the CSC office. I swear I saw a tumbleweed blow by the other day. Yeah yeah ok, but really. Does this mean you all have wonderful jobs? (If so, let us know. We’d love to hear and possibly write about your experiences).
While I hope that’s the case for all of you, if for one reason or another it isn’t don’t forget the CSC has got your back. We’re open 9-5 every week day, and from the way it’s looking, you can get in to see a counselor for a drop-in or appointment pretty quickly. Have them take a look at your resume or cover letters so you can get them polished and ready to send off, work on your interview skills, or even just use the time to talk to someone and get sound feedback about your job search experience. We’d love to help.
Also, while resume collect is over (ended 6/30), there are still a ton of jobs available on Dons Careers. If you’re not already signed up on there, give us a call at (415) 422-6216 and we’ll get you set up.
So give us a call already! I (and my co-worker Benji who is also at the front desk this summer) don’t bite. Promise.
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