Friday, August 20, 2010

Juggling Work and School

Hey Everybody- I hope this post finds you well.

The other day, I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine about whether or not it was a good idea to work at the same time you're in school.  It made me think about what the benefits were versus the cons of juggling a job, and internship, and a full course load.

After three years of juggling two jobs and a full courseload, I'm still kinda uncertain about how I can do all that.  I mean, obviously, I've been doing it already, but every semester is different.  I'm taking the very last classes I need to graduate, and I want to do really well in them.  But at the same time, I need some moolah. 

Plus, I know that it'd be virtually impossible to get a job in my field of study I can actually support myself with.  That means, I need to pick up an internship at the same time.  So for me, all signs point toward the juggling game. 

But, if I had the option to not work, I think I would choose very carefully.  I would probably try to reserve my fall semester for straight-up course work that I know I wouldn't be able to do at the same time as a job.  Then, I would probably reserve my spring semester for coursework that I still need, but maybe isn't as challenging, and try to get a semester-long internship that's related to my major. 

The results of the juggling game can be extremely beneficial.  For starters, you'll be able to multi-task effortlessly after a while, and that's a skill that can help you get almost any kind of job.  Also, after graduation, you'll be more likely to be able to get a real job within your industry if you've already got some legitimate training from an internship experience.

In the end, I think juggling is worth it because- do you really want to graduate with no job experience and have to start from scratch?

Have a good weekend, and good luck with the first week of classes!

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Rosie is an outgoing Junior Psychology major who has worked in the office since her Freshman year. She wears multiple hats including president of her sorority Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. and Vice President of Internal Affairs for Greek Council. As a very involved student leader she is a great resource for all things USF

Nathan hails from the tropical state of Hawaii. When he is not in his business suit for his business classes, he is just "chilling" and bringing the Aloha Spirit to the office. He has worked for the Career Services Center for three years and has extensive experience with other internships including his most upcoming internship with Bank of Hawaii in summer 2012