Hello! And the countdown begins! Only 7 more weeks of school left! I have a feeling these weeks will go by extremely fast...
Best of Luck!
Recently, our office has been working really hard to modify and update our 4-year plan that is intended to guide our students to creating an organized approach to a career path in their 4 years of college. This is a great tool because it encourages time management within a wide spectrum of time and relieves common stressful factors that surface towards the end of your college career.
Over the next couple days I will go into each year with detail. Let's start out with the newly admitted Dons, the Freshman. As your second semester of your first year comes to an end I hope you have built relationships that have made you feel at home here at USF. Before the stress of finals comes around I also encourage you to go down the checklist below and make sure you've completed the following:
- Visit the Career Services Center and find out what services are available for you. We are located in University Center 5th Floor.
- Meet with a career counselor during our drop-in hours to begin to explore career options.
- Discuss career interests with a faculty advisor to plan relevant course work.
- Take a Career Assessment.
- Read "What can you do with this major?" Handout.
- Strengthen personal development by volunteering for community service.
- See DonsCareers for part-time jobs off-campus
- Get involved with student groups related to your major and/or career interests.
- Login to DonsCareers and sign up to receive announcements about career events
- Keep informed about CSC programs and career ideas through our events calendar.
Don't worry if you haven't been keeping up Freshman, the Summer may be a great time to catch up on your career planning.
The above pointers are simple suggestions targeted for first year student but I highly encourage ALL of you to check out the steps for your corresponding year at our home page - www.usfca.edu/career and (I will cover each year later on...)
1. Create your own yearly action plan specific to your major and include what classes you are planning to take each semester along with your career planning strategies, and
2. Stop by our office to talk to a counselor about your yearly action plan to receive more pointers on how to obtain your DREAM JOB! Best of Luck!