I think we can all agree that spring break came and went too fast!! Can you believe there are only a few weeks left until the end of the school year?! Many of you will be graduating this May with a Bachelor's degree in your major while some of you are still considering continuing your education for a Masters degree or even Doctorate. Power to you! As a nursing student, I have a few friends who are 100% determined to earn their Masters in the Science of Nursing (MSN), and I have also encountered those who ask me what the advantages of an MSN are and the difference between a BSN and MSN. There are a few main points to consider when making the decision of what degree to pursue. First and foremost, recruiters have stated that having an MSN does not give you any advantage in a hiring pool of RNs with only a BSN. The only thing recruiters do say is that an MSN gives you more room for career advancement once you are hired to work in a hospital, but does not necessarily mean you will be hired in a higher position right off the bat. As far as pay rate goes, there is also not much more significance for someone who has their MSN over someone who has their BSN since they are all considered equally in the same pool.
Ultimately, the decision to pursue a higher degree should come from the desire to pursue a higher education and be more knowledgeable in your field of study. Doing more research on your own before making the final decision is always helpful as well. Also remember that you are highly encouraged to discuss your plans with a career counselor in our office. Good luck to you all in whatever you decide to pursue in life!
Rosie Ceja
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